Our contribution to the environment

Sustainability in the Group

The current climate situation and the impact of our actions on the environment demand responsibility and action from each and every one of us. We, as a group of companies, also want to make our contribution to this and are actively committed to sustainability and environmental protection. The focus here is primarily on our numerous large buildings, in which mainly sustainable and energy-saving materials are used. With this major step, we are making a significant contribution to sustainability and sending out a clear signal. Because the world of tomorrow is important to us!

Climate neutrality as a goal: we are leading the way

We were one of the first companies in the Upper Rhine region to be classified in terms of CO2 emissions in 2023, thus taking the first step towards climate neutrality. We have made a conscious decision to take on a pioneering role and actively work towards a sustainable future.

We are currently one of the first companies on the Upper Rhine to be classified in terms of CO2 emissions and thus take the first step towards climate neutrality.

Energy-saving measures

Sustainability in our buildings

As already mentioned in the introduction, we pay particular attention to the use of sustainable and energy-saving materials in our buildings. At our furniture store in Dogern , for example, we installed a new façade and a new roof with 28 cm of insulation as part of our renovation work in 2022/2023, which corresponds to an energy efficiency rating of KfW40. We have also installed a photovoltaic system with a peak output of 450 kilowatts on the roof. This means that we are largely self-sufficient and can cover our own electricity requirements.

A new wood chip system ensures that we become independent of gas. In addition, the heating is operated by a heat pump. Our ventilation system is operated via a heat exchanger with heat recovery to further reduce energy consumption. Also in our new Kinderland we use sustainable materials to make a contribution to a sustainable future.

Energy-saving measures

Towards climate neutrality with new technologies

We also focus on sustainability at our residential park in Binzen. We erected a sustainable building there in 2012 and also installed a wood chip heating system and a PV system with a peak output of 450 KW. Here too, the ventilation system is operated with heat recovery to reduce energy consumption.

We have already switched to energy-saving LED lighting in all our stores in recent years and equipped all warehouses with motion detectors to save energy. However, we are aware that sustainability is an ongoing process and that we must work continuously to achieve our goals. For this reason, locations that are not yet geared towards sustainability will also be converted this year.

We are determined to do our bit to protect our planet and are committed to a sustainable future. Because only together can we shape the world of tomorrow.

Our contribution to the environment

Our contribution to climate protection on the High Rhine

Furniture market Dogern

  • Sustainable building
  • Façade and roof: 28 cm insulation – energy efficiency of KfW40
  • Photovoltaic system with 450 kilowatts peak
  • Wood chip plant
  • Additional heating with heat pump
  • Ventilation system via heat exchanger with heat recovery
  • Kinderland: Use of sustainable materials
    > Find out more about it here

Binzen residential park

  • Sustainable building
  • Wood chip heating
  • Photovoltaic system 450 KW peak
  • Ventilation system with heat recovery

In all houses

  • Energy-saving LED lights in all areas
  • In all warehouses: use of motion detectors
Personen mit Fahrrädern

We support our employees

Reducing CO2 emissions together

As a group of companies, we encourage and motivate our employees to actively act sustainably. One example of this is the city cycling campaign, in which we have once again actively participated with our locations. The aim of the campaign is to avoid CO2 emissions and consciously leave the car at home. The team at Möbelmarkt Dogern was thus recognized as the most active company in the community in 2023. In this context, we have also introduced the job bike. Every employee has the opportunity to ride a bicycle or e-bike at a reasonable price.We also focus on efficiency on the way to our customers. Our dispatch teams use state-of-the-art software that enables us to organize our tours as efficiently as possible. The software is used to plan the routes so that the delivery stops are as close together as possible. Care is also taken to ensure that the vehicles do not hit the road “half empty”. This enables us to ensure smarter, faster and, above all, more environmentally friendly delivery.

300 trees for the southern Black Forest

Regionally committed

Südkurier Zeitungswald Aktion Nachhaltigkeit

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