Your training as

Apprenticeship as a warehouse logistics specialist (m/f/d)

Type of training

Duration of training

Learning locations

Start of training

What you can expect

After successfully completing our two-year apprenticeship as a warehouse specialist, you can train as a warehouse logistics specialist in a further year of training. Among other things, you will learn how delivery and assembly tours are planned.

What you bring with you

  • School-leaving certificate(completed)
  • Friendliness
  • Stamina
  • Physical fitness
  • Fun with structuring
  • Ability to work in a team

Your grades and school-leaving certificate are of course important, but your personality is much more important to us. What type of person are you? How are you feeling? Do you fit into our team?

We look forward to receiving your application documents and getting to know you personally.

Our benefits

We have a lot to offer

Safe workplace
with a future


Flexible working hours
and flexitime

Promotion opportunities

Promotion of
Further training

Team atmosphere

Special conditions

Family business

Apply now !

Please submit your application directly online (see below) or send it to:

Ms Laura Thomann
Großfeldstraße 17 | 79618 Rheinfelden +49 7751/8016-308 |

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Apply now !

Please submit your application directly online (see below) or send it to:

Ms Laura Thomann
Großfeldstraße 17 | 79618 Rheinfelden +49 7751/8016-308 |

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